Atomic mass

Atomic mass : The mass of an atom or molecule on a scale where the mass of a carbon-12 (12C) atom is exactly 12.0. The mass of any atom is approximately equal to the total number of its protons and neutrons multiplied by the atomic mass unit, u = 1.6605397 x 10-24 gram. (Electrons are much lighter, about 0.0005486 u.) No atom differs from this simple formula by more than 1 %, and stable atoms heavier than helium all lie within 0.3%.  This simplicity of nature led to the confirmation of the atomic hypothesis-the idea that all matter is composed of atoms, which are identical and chemically indivisible for each chemical element. In 1802, G. E. Fischer noticed that the weights of acids needed to neutralize various bases could be described systematically by assigning rel­ative weights to each of the acids and bases. A few years later, John Dalton proposed an atomic theory in which elements were made up of atoms that combine in simple ways to form molecules.  In reality, nature is more complicated, and the great regularity of atomic masses more revealing. Two fundamental ideas about atomic structure come out of this regularity: that the atomic nucleus is composed of charged protons and uncharged neutrons, and that these particles have approximately equal mass. The number of protons in an atom is called its atomic number, and equals the number of electrons in the neutral atom. The electrons, in turn, determine the chemical properties of the atom. Adding a neutron or two does not change the chemistry ( or the name) of an atom, but does give it an atomic mass which is 1 u larger for each added neutron. Such atoms are called isotopes of the element, and their existence was first revealed by careful study of radioactive elements. Most naturally occurring elements are mixtures of isotopes, although a single isotope frequently predominates. Since the proportion of the various isotopes is usually about the same everywhere on Earth, an average atomic mass of an element can be defined, and is called the atomic weight. Atomic weights are routinely used in chemistry in order to determine how much of one chemical will react with a given weight of another.

In contrast to atomic weights, which can be defined only approximately, atomic masses are exact constants of nature. All atoms of a given isotope are truly identical; they cannot be distinguished by any method. This is known to be true because the quantum mechanics treats identical objects in special ways, and makes predictions that depend on this assumption. One such prediction, the exclusion principle, is the reason that the chemical behavior of atoms with different numbers of electrons is so different.

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