Tag Archives: paramagnetic

Curie’s law

The susceptibility (X) of a paramagnetic substance is propor­tional to the thermodynamic temper­ature (T), i.e. x = C/T, where C is the Curie constant. A modification of this law, the Curie-Weiss law, is more generally applicable. It states that  X = C/(T- θ), where θ is the Weiss constant, a characteristic of the ma­terial. The law was first proposed by …

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adiabatic demagnetization

A technique for cooling a paramagnetic salt, such as potassium chrome alum, to a temperature near absolute zero. The salt is placed between the poles of an electromagnet and the heat produced during magnetization is re­moved by liquid helium. The salt is then isolated thermally from the sur­roundings and the field is switched off; the salt is demagnetized adiabati­cally and …

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