Alkaline-earth metals

Usually calcium, strontium, and barium, the heav­iest members of group 2 of the periodic table (excepting radium). Other members of the group are beryllium, magnesium, and radium, sometimes included among the alkaline-earth metals. Beryllium resembles aluminum more than any other element, and magnesium behaves more like zinc and cadmium. The gap between beryllium and magnesium and the remainder of the elements of group 2 makes it desirable to discuss these elements separately. Radium is often treated separately because of its radioactivity.

The alkaline earths form a closely related group of highly metallic elements in which there is a regular gradation of properties. The metals, none of which occurs free in na­ture, are all harder than potassium or sodium, softer than magnesium or beryllium, and about as hard as lead. The metals are somewhat brittle, but are malleable, extrudable, and machinable. They conduct electricity well; the specific conductivity of calcium is 45% of that of silver. The oxidation potentials of the triad are as great as those of the alkali metals.

The elements and their compounds find important industrial uses in low-melting alloys, deoxidizers, and drying agents and as cheap sources of alkalinity.

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