Difference between σ and π bonds

Difference between σ and π bonds

σ bond

π bond

(i) The orbitals overlap along their axes.

(ii) The overlap is quite appreciable and the bond formed is a strong bond.

(iii) s-orbitals can parti­cipate in the bond formation.

(iv) In case of p-orbitals, the participating lobe is stretc­hed and the  size of the other lobe is reduced.

(v) The σ-bond is repre­sented by an electron cloud symmetrical to     the line join­ing the nuclei of the two atoms.

(vi) There can be a free rotation of the atoms around a σ-bond.

(i) The orbitals overlap along their sides.

(ii) The overlap is quite less and the bond formed is a weak bond,

(iii) s-orbital cannot participate in the bond formation.

(iv) Both the lobes of the orbi­tals take part in the overlap and remain of the same size.

(v) The π bond is represented by two electron clouds lying above and below the plane of the line joining the two atoms.

(vi) Because of overlapping or the electron clouds above and below the· plane of the atoms free rotation is not possible around a π bond.


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