إزالة هاليد الهيدروجين

إزالة هاليد الهيدروجين dehydrohalogenation: عملية كيميائية يتم فيهلا إزالة هاليد الهيدروجين من الجزيء حيث ينتج عن ذلك رابطة ثنائية. المثال على ذلك تكون الإيثين من الكلوروإيثان باستخدام هيدروكسيد البوتاسيوم الكحولي : CH3CH2Cl + KOH → CH2 = CH2 + KCl +H2O

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معامل ديباي-والر

معامل ديباي-والر Debye-Waller factor : كمية تصف تأثير تذبذبات الشبكية على شدة الإنحرافات في تجربة حيود أشعة إكس من قبل البلورات. قام بحساب هذا العامل كل من بيتر ديباي في عامي 1913-1914 و إيفار ويلر في الأعوام 1923-1925 .  و بسبب كون سعة تذبذبات الشبكية تزداد مع ازدياد درجات الحرارة ، فقد اعتقد في الأيام الأولى لدراسات حيوة أشعة إكس أن …

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نظرية ديباي للحرارة النوعية

نظرية ديباي للحرارة النوعية Debye theory of specific heat  : نظرية لسعة الحرارة النوعية للمواد الصلبة قام بطرحها العالم بيتر ديباي في العام 1912 و التي تفترض أن السعة الحرارية هي نتيجة لتذبذبات الذرات في الشبكية البلورية في المادة الصلبة. و بخلاف نظرية آينشتاين للحرارة النوعية و التي تفترض أن كل ذرة لها نفس تردد التذبذب ، فإن ديباي افترض بأن …

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CPMG sequence – Carr-Purcell­Meiboom-Gill sequence

A sequence of pulses used for spin-echo experi­ments in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) in which the initial pulse is 90° followed by a series of 180° pulses. A CPMG sequence is designed so that the spin echoes die away ex­ponentially with time. Spin-spin re­laxation occurs characterized by a time constant T2, which can be deter­mined from the decay signal.

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crossed-beam reaction

A chemi­cal reaction in which two molecular beams are crossed; one beam is re­garded as the incident beam of gas and the other as the target gas. This technique enables a great deal of in­formation to be gained about the chemical reaction since the states of both the target and projectile mol­ecules can be controlled. The inci­dent beam is characterized …

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Compounds with large three-dimensional molecular struc­tures containing ether chains linked by three-coordinate nitrogen atoms. Thus cryptands are macropolycyclic polyaza-polyethers. For example, the compound (2,2,2)-cryptand has three chains of the form -CH2CH2OCH2CH2OCH2CH2-. These chains are linked at each end by a nitrogen atom. Cryptands, like the *crown ethers, can form coordi­nation complexes with ions that can fit into the cavity formed …

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crystal test

A type of presump­tive test in which a substance is identified by the formation of charac­teristic crystals when a certain reagent is added. Usually, such tests are conducted using a microscope (microcrystal test). An example is the acetone-chlor-haemin test for blood.

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A resin obtained from the bark of South American trees of the genera Strychnos and Chondrodendron that causes paralysis of voluntary muscle. It acts by blocking the action of the neurotransmitter  acetyl­choline at neuromuscular junctions. Curare is used as an arrow poison by South American Indians and was for­merly used as a muscle relaxant in surgery.

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Curie’s law

The susceptibility (X) of a paramagnetic substance is propor­tional to the thermodynamic temper­ature (T), i.e. x = C/T, where C is the Curie constant. A modification of this law, the Curie-Weiss law, is more generally applicable. It states that  X = C/(T- θ), where θ is the Weiss constant, a characteristic of the ma­terial. The law was first proposed by …

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A reaction in which two or more unsaturated compounds form a cyclic adduct or in which a cyclic compound is formed by addi­tion between unsaturated parts of the same molecule. In cycloaddition, there is no net reduction in bond multiplicity. The Diels-Alder reac­tion is an example. Cycloadditions may be stepwise reactions or may be peri-cyclic reactions.

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