الرئيسية » أرشيف الوسم : bond

أرشيف الوسم : bond

رابطة الموزة banana bond

1. في المركبات ذات الحلقات المتوترة ، فإن الزوايا المفترضة على أساس التهجين لا تساوي في كثير من الأحيان الزوايا التي يتم الحصول عليها من خلال المراكز الذرية المرتبطة. في هذه الحالات ، فإنه يُفترض في بعض الأحيان أن الفلك الرابط يصبح مثنيًا أو يشبه شكل الموز. و المثال على ذلك مركب البنتان الحلقي ، حيث تقتضي الاعتبارات الهندسية وجود …

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Introduction to Organic chemistry: Chapter 2 NOTES

Introduction to Organic chemistry: Chapter 2 NOTES Acids and Bases A great many organic reactions are acid–base reactions. Many organic reactions are catalyzed by proton-donating acids, such as H3O+ and CH3OH2+. Others are catalyzed by Lewis acids, such as AlCl3 . 2.1 What Are Arrhenius Acids and Bases? According to Arrhenius definitions, an acid is a substance that dissolves in …

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ملخص الفصل الرابع :أنواع التفاعلات الكيميائية و العلاقات الكمية للمحاليل من كتاب الكيمياء للعالم زومدال Chapter 4 notes: Types of Chemical Reactions and Solution Stoichiometry , Chemistry Zumdahl

ملخص الفصل الرابع :أنواع التفاعلات الكيميائية و العلاقات الكمية للمحاليل من كتاب الكيمياء للعالم زومدال Chapter 4 notes: Types of Chemical Reactions and Solution Stoichiometry , Chemistry Zumdahl إذا كنت تبحث عن باقي الفصول فالرجاء الضغط على الروابط الآتية : الفصل الأول : ملخص الفصل الأول :أساسيات الكيمياء للعالم زومدال Chapter 1 chemistry foundation Notes Zumdahl AP الفصل الثاني  :ملخص الفصل …

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Internal energy: The energy stored in a fixed amount of a substance (atom or molecule) is known as its internal energy. It is denoted by the sign E. Change in internal energy: It is the difference in the internal energies of the product and the reactant species taking part in a chemical reaction at constant volume. It is denoted by …

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Hydrogen bond

Hydrogen bond: It is a bond formed between a hydrogen atom attached to a highly electrovalent atom (F,O,N) and another highly electronegative atom of the same or different molecule and having a lone pair of electrons. Condition for hydrogen bonding : (i) The electronegative atom attached to the hydrogen should be small. (ii) The electronegativity of the atoms to which …

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Difference between σ and π bonds

Difference between σ and π bonds σ bond π bond (i) The orbitals overlap along their axes. (ii) The overlap is quite appreciable and the bond formed is a strong bond. (iii) s-orbitals can parti­cipate in the bond formation. (iv) In case of p-orbitals, the participating lobe is stretc­hed and the  size of the other lobe is reduced. (v) The …

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Chemical Bonding

Chemical bond: The attractive force which holds together the constituent atoms of chemical compounds is called chemical bond. Combination of atoms: It. is universal law of nature that systems with lower energy are more stable. So atoms combine to form a molecule because it has a· lower energy i.e., more stable. Modern concept of chemical bonding: The formation -of a …

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